Fitness in the Modern World


The world has changed a lot in the last few years and now we are more aware of the need to be in shape. We can now see a larger number of fitness clubs coming out and thousands of people joining cross fit challenges all over the world. The importance of exercise is truly something to consider if you want to be healthy and have the right amount of energy to handle any task that you need to do every day. People are finding out that a sedentary life is going to have serious consequences in their life at a younger age than most people expect. This is the reason why fitness has become such an important part of modern culture and this is definitely a good thing.

There are many different ways people can get their exercise in. Some people like to go to a gym, join a sports team, or even just take walks around the block. The important thing is that they are getting the exercise in.Sometimes a nice walk around the park is just what you need after a stressful day. A healthy lifestyle can lead to a longer happier life so don’t forget to take care of yourself and get some exercise in!

Social Media to Grow Your Business

Social media is no longer just a way for people to connect with friends and family. This phenomenon has grown to massive proportions and there are thousands of people who are using it for business purposes. Now you can hear success stories of many business owners who have been able to get all of their clients from networking on the most popular social media platforms available. The best thing about it is that these huge platforms are all free to the public and your success will be determined by how relevant your content is. Being constant and providing quality information is a must.


Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have completely changed advertising for small business. Due to the fact that it’s free, small business can now reach many more customers! They can also now keep current clients up to date on things going on within the store. This can include, remodeling, sales, or just events they are going to be hosting. Social media has provided businesses with a great tool to help build their company

Evolution of Video Games


The world of video games has truly changed in ways we never imagined in the past. They went from being very realistic sprites with a limited color palette, to become incredibly realistic creations with epic features that rival even the most amazing movie productions in modern times.

Games are also playable online and people from all over the world can challenge each other to see who the most skilled player is. You can play with friends or compete to enhance your skills. With so many different types of games, there’s something for everyone!

Nowadays, even motion sensors are also a huge part of the modern gaming experience. And downloading content that expands and enhances titles that have already been released also add to the longevity of each game keeping you from getting bored because there’s always more updates.

Gaming is sure to continue to be a huge part of our society for many years to come. It has been completely revolutionary will continue to evolve so long as people need to e entertained!


Treadmill Vs. Elliptical


Treadmill Vs. Elliptical

Which One is Right for You?
Although there are other things to consider, such as upright and recumbent bikes, or even a stair-master, for most people the decision comes down to whether a treadmill or an elliptical would be better for them. Throughout this article, we’ll try to give you some info that will help you decide which one is better for you.

Health and Safety
When it comes to using these machines it is very important to examine the safety of each. Treadmills are famous on the internet for user failures. People slipping, trying to go to fast, or even people trying to go backwards. Of course if you’re careful there’s no need to worry about it, but if there is going to be children or other people using it, it’s definitely something you need to think about.

As far as health goes, overall with a treadmill you are going to get a better work out. It just works out your whole body at the same time. However that does not necessarily mean it will be beneficial to your health. Running on a treadmill is very hard on your knees. All the running really pounds on the joints. This isn’t so much a problem for the younger generations, but as you grow older your joints weaken. The elliptical provides a much smoother stride, greatly relieving that immense pressure.

What Else?
There are a few other things to consider. One of them is the noise level. Overall, the ellipticals will be quieter which a lot of people like. However, the ellipticals take up much more space generally. Treadmills also fold up to save even more space. Be careful with this feature because if the treadmill doesn’t have hydraulics, the belt can fall fast when released and can pose a danger to children or pets.

To Finish Up
Most people prefer the traditional feel of running. Although recently a great transition has been shifting towards ellipticals instead. So which one’s right for you? Only you can decide but I hope this helped expand your view.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

A couple years ago I read a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad. It got me hooked and I’ve read it a few times every year since. Most books you read about investing and money management are actually quite boring. I even enjoy the topics themselves but the book are just plain dull. This book is not!

Written by Robert Kiyosaki, he tells stories of his life growing up and his introduction to and experience in the investors world. The way he tells these stories is captivating he adds incite to the experiences through the entire thing to help you understand. While reading this book I found myself thoroughly entertained and could tell I was learning things i would use the rest of my life.

Whether just starting in the real world or already having money problems I highly recommend this book. It will change the way you view and spend money. This is by far my favorite book and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

The thing abut this company is, they don’t only do books. They offer so much more to help people gain a better understanding of how money works and to use it to there advantage. They also have videos, do seminars, and even released a game to demonstrate cashflow! If you haven’t heard about Rich Dad Poor Dad I strongly suggest you check it out!

Independence Day

Independence Day,

Yet another day to celebrate. I’m so grateful to live in a country with as much freedom as we have. Many people take it for-granted. The citizens of many countries have much less than we do. I don’t just mean in freedom, but in money, technology, health. We are so lucky to live in a place with so much where we can make anything of ourselves. It’s not written for us what we will do and achieve.

Living in such a great country as America allows to set our own paths and make something of ourselves. That is not to say that it will be easy, it will be difficult and we will have to strive for what we want. But we all have the opportunity to succeed.

That is what this day is all about. The men who died in the revolutionary war and all following wars did so in knowing that they are making a better world for their children and generations to come. Those men and women gave their lives so that we can live whatever kind of life we want to. We can honor their sacrifices, or choose to ignore it but either way, we as a country are blesses to have these people by our sides in spirit.

God Bless America

What is Love?

Love is an emotion people are always trying to find, capture, and control. But what is this emotion and why are people so obsessed with it?

To me I feel that love is found in many ways. Love from one family member to another, as a generic love your neighbors sense, or specifically in this case, the kind of love between two people that can make life worth living or everyday a torture.

Love is defined as a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, but love is more than just attraction. Love is stronger than people give it credit for. It can help people make it through tough situations and can even be strengthened by such situations. Love can drive people to do crazy things. It can cause shy, quiet people to be more wild and spontaneous, or make the tough bike riding guys to settle down and make a family.

It causes those butterflies to well up in your stomach when you see that special someone. Those who have experienced true love know just how amazing it is to hold that person in your arms and not have to do anything to have an amazing time. When your with the person you love you don’t want to be anywhere else. When you argue it hurts because you don’t want to be upset at that person or cause them pain.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how much you make, where you live, or what you look like, as long as you have that special person to come home to and tell you everything is going to be okay.20140709-014644-6404333.jpg