How To Grow Your Blog

How to grow your blog:

Step 1: Stop reading this because I have no idea what I’m doing.

I know I haven’t been blogging all that long, but I have not been able to find a helpful page on how to grow on wordpress. They pretty much all just say to post awesome content. Is my content awesome? Even when I’ve gone to popular forums looking for advice nobody will respond.

I want to learn, I really do. If I continue posting the way I have been will people enjoy it?

If anyone has any advice or links to good articles about writing blogs I would really appreciate it.

The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It

  I don’t go on social media all that often, but everytime I do I see people complaining about how miserable their lives are. I know that we all have rough patches in our lives. I myself, would’ve never expected to be in the position I am in a million years, but it was the decisions I made that brought me here. 

I feel that people get so caught up in how miserable they think their lives are, when in reality most of them aren’t even that bad, and they forget to look forward. They are so focused on what could have been that they don’t pay attention to where they are going, which only ends up making things worse.

I know where I am and things aren’t great. But I made the choices that brought me here and I still know where I am going. I feel that I am one of the few my age that still dream. To me though, it’s more than a dream because I know that I have the power to turn it into a reality. Some people say “I want to be this or that”, but when I talk to people I tell them I AM going to be a millionaire by the time I’m 30.

Currently I have a job and bills to pay with almost nothing at the end of every month. But my future is in my control and nobody can change that.

I will be a millionaire by the time I’m 30.

She Tells Her Grandma That She’s Just Been Cheated On So Grandma Tells Her To Do This!

A new, well written explanation on life.


She Tells Her Grandma That She’s Just Been Cheated On So Grandma Tells Her To Do This
This is a good lesson for all of us, no matter what stage of life you’re in. You’ll see what I mean.

A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her – her husband had cheated on her and she was devastated. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as soon as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her grandmother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she…

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Escape Room Craze

Over the past few years, these things called escape rooms have been blowing up! The basic premise being that you’re locked in a room and have to solve puzzles and clues to earn your way out. These places are taking you away from the constant use of technology and creating new memories instead. Many require you to work with other people you may not know which is a great way to get out of your comfort zone to form real relationships.

Believed to have started in either Japan or Hungary, they have grown in popularity over the last few years. About a year and a half ago they finally started to make their appearance in the US. These past 6 months or so there has been enormous growth of these places. 

If you ever have the opportunity I would highly recommend trying one of these places out! Just be sure to do some research beforehand because not all escape rooms are equal.

Stocks and other “Paper” Investments

stock trading

“If you hate risk and worry, start early.” – Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. This is particularly true when talking about stocks because the prices can fluctuate so much. Luckily there are many ways to counter this risk especially if you start early. This won’t only make you more accustomed to the risk, but it will be less risky as you gain experience.

Many stocks, especially larger companies, offer whats called a “Dividend”. A “dividend” is money paid by a company to its shareholders. This is typically out of the companies profits and is done quarterly. These are generally an okay to start growing your money even if you don’t have enough to make a downpayment on a house. Some stocks offer up to 10% dividends. This may not sound like much but it sure beats the .05% many banks are paying! Plus, while there is the chance that the stocks can drop, the stock market has been growing at an average of 8% as well giving you added value on the stock.

If the stock market sounds like to much risk there are still great opportunities to get you started. Another very simple way is using CD’s. These I do not like nearly as much because A. they do not earn nearly as much and B. they are not very liquid at all.  Liquid meaning you can not get access to the money invested until the term of the CD has ended or unless you pay a fee which will almost certainly be more than the interest you’ve accumulated. That being said it’s still one of the easiest. All you have to do is go to the bank, put some money in, and wait.

One way many people like to use paper assets is investing in Mutual Funds. These are not immune to risk, however your relying on a professional money manager instead of you own knowledge. These take a little bit more research than just putting money in a CD, but can offer much greater rewards.

Real Estate Investing Simplified

Turning homes into cash

Turning homes into cash

Real Estate is one of the simplest ways to start earning passive income if you already have some saved money saved up. It can be done without money as well, however it will require more creativity and or sacrifice. For example, simply renting out a room in your house can be a great way to start earning some extra money every month. It will require the Sacrifice of some of your personal space but almost nothing more than that. Of course if you do not already own your own home this won’t necessarily be as easy for you.

Anyway, I just want to show you some examples of how simple this concept can be broken down for investing in having rental properties. Assume we’re interested in a $300,000.00 three bed, two bathroom property where similar rentals rent for $2,500.00 monthly. At 4% interest, your monthly mortgage payment would be just over $1,400.00 a month. Now most people can see that’s $1,100 in excess of the mortgage every month!

If there were no expense (which of course there are some) that would be just over $13,000.00 every year doing almost nothing at all! Also, that other $1,400.00 going towards the mortgage doesn’t just disappear either. Much of that is going into building equity in the home. So basically, it’s almost like a forced savings that you receive when you sell.

The rest of the $1,400.00 is being put towards the interest owed. Luckily for you, the interest on your first 2 homes is tax deductible! There are some other expenses as well included with owning real estate, however these too are all tax deductible!