The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It

  I don’t go on social media all that often, but everytime I do I see people complaining about how miserable their lives are. I know that we all have rough patches in our lives. I myself, would’ve never expected to be in the position I am in a million years, but it was the decisions I made that brought me here. 

I feel that people get so caught up in how miserable they think their lives are, when in reality most of them aren’t even that bad, and they forget to look forward. They are so focused on what could have been that they don’t pay attention to where they are going, which only ends up making things worse.

I know where I am and things aren’t great. But I made the choices that brought me here and I still know where I am going. I feel that I am one of the few my age that still dream. To me though, it’s more than a dream because I know that I have the power to turn it into a reality. Some people say “I want to be this or that”, but when I talk to people I tell them I AM going to be a millionaire by the time I’m 30.

Currently I have a job and bills to pay with almost nothing at the end of every month. But my future is in my control and nobody can change that.

I will be a millionaire by the time I’m 30.

One thought on “The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It

  1. Hello,
    I would highly suggest work study and applying for scholarships. At my current college, CSUF, I pay about $3000 for the semester, and am able to commute from home which cuts down expenses. There are opportunities to do things like orientation leader as well. It does require commitment over the summer, but does pay $2000 in scholarship money and priority registration for the following semester.

    I only recently heard bits and pieces of what’s happened since I’d last seen you In middle school, so I don’t have the right to really interfere or judge your life. However, I do remember you as someone ambitious, smart and as one of the few that treated me kindly personally. Please, don’t rule out this possibility that I’ve mentioned… If you need more information, I am more than willing to help you.


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