How To Grow Your Blog

How to grow your blog:

Step 1: Stop reading this because I have no idea what I’m doing.

I know I haven’t been blogging all that long, but I have not been able to find a helpful page on how to grow on wordpress. They pretty much all just say to post awesome content. Is my content awesome? Even when I’ve gone to popular forums looking for advice nobody will respond.

I want to learn, I really do. If I continue posting the way I have been will people enjoy it?

If anyone has any advice or links to good articles about writing blogs I would really appreciate it.

2 thoughts on “How To Grow Your Blog

  1. Just keep posting about the things you like and are interested in. Readers with the same interests will be sure to check your blog out in that case. Just have fun with your blog. Otherwise, what’s the point? Vague advice I know, but it’s some of the best I can give.

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