Family Game Night

Growing up, my family wasn’t one of those families that was super close. We liked each other well enough but we each had our own things. We would only ever really play games or anything when we went on vacation.

Fast forward a few years and I’m now working full time and living with my fiancé about 30 minutes away from my parents. Now I know it’s not all that far away but when working almost 50 hours a week, 30 min can seem pretty far away compared to being under the same roof.

For a little while, we kind of drifted apart. Now, I generally have one day, or night at least, off. That one night has started to regularly become a family game night. Since this isn’t something we did when we were kids it almost feels wierd to say. “Oh Ya, my family and I had a game night last night”. People look at me and think it’s so odd.

Starting to do this though, has really started to bring my parents and I together. It’s not all about talking about this or that, but just getting together and having fun. Of course we still talk about what’s going on in our lives but it’s all mixed in with the fun. 

I guess all of this just to say that I support family game nights. I may not have wanted them when I was younger, but I love being able to have them now.