Creating Life Balance

Recently wed and with a little one on the way, I have been working really hard to find the right balance between my work life and my personal life. This definitely gets to be more difficult as I want to be sure that I can provide for the both of them while my wife isn’t working. I want to be able to work from home so that I can be able to support them financially as well as be there for them when they need me.

There are so many different ways to achieve this nowadays that it amazes more people don’t strive to control their own financial freedom. At the moment, I am attempting to encourage my wife to do the same by blogging from home. She is an excellent writer and I just wish she had more confidence to do so on a daily basis.

I have much more trouble deciding what to write about and thus, it has been awhile since the last time you have heard from me. Now this doesn’t mean that I haven’t been working on being my own boss in my own time. I have been building some iOS applications and hope to soon be selling them. If you would like to learn more about this, we are actually currently running a GoFundMe campaign to help us come up with some capital to be able to begin distribution.

Anyway, I thought I might share with you a couple items that help me stay more efficient and maximize the time I have!

The first item is this simple bluetooth headphone. It allows me to answer calls, listen to music, and my personal favorite, listen to my audiobooks!  Audiobooks are huge for me because I don’t have time to sit and read so I can listen while I walk, work and drive! This headphone is inexpensive, easy to use, and works well! I have a few of them so that I always have one handy!

Bluetooth Headset, Yikeshu Mini S530 Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Earbuds Headset Earphones Support Hands-free Calling Especially for iPhone 7/7 plus and Others (Black)

The second item is a portable charger. I’m sure most everyone is already aware of these but the thing about this one is that its also solar powered! With many color options you can choose whichever you like. It has dual ports so that you can even charger multiple items at the same time, including tablets! I know some of you out there are saying “what if the sun isn’t out???” well guess what? You can still charge it via outlet! Not to mention it also comes with a 12 month warranty, who couldn’t use this??

Solar Charger with 6LED Flashlight 15000mAh Solar Power Bank Dual USB External Battery Charger Cell Phone Battery Pack Outdoor Backup Charger for Bluetooth iPhone HTC Nexus Camera Tablet-Orange

I feel like we may have gotten a little off topic, but these item’s definitely help me keep that balance in tact! If you have any thoughts or any other recommendations on item’s that make your life easier, let me know in the comments!

Fitness in the Modern World


The world has changed a lot in the last few years and now we are more aware of the need to be in shape. We can now see a larger number of fitness clubs coming out and thousands of people joining cross fit challenges all over the world. The importance of exercise is truly something to consider if you want to be healthy and have the right amount of energy to handle any task that you need to do every day. People are finding out that a sedentary life is going to have serious consequences in their life at a younger age than most people expect. This is the reason why fitness has become such an important part of modern culture and this is definitely a good thing.

There are many different ways people can get their exercise in. Some people like to go to a gym, join a sports team, or even just take walks around the block. The important thing is that they are getting the exercise in.Sometimes a nice walk around the park is just what you need after a stressful day. A healthy lifestyle can lead to a longer happier life so don’t forget to take care of yourself and get some exercise in!

Treadmill Vs. Elliptical


Treadmill Vs. Elliptical

Which One is Right for You?
Although there are other things to consider, such as upright and recumbent bikes, or even a stair-master, for most people the decision comes down to whether a treadmill or an elliptical would be better for them. Throughout this article, we’ll try to give you some info that will help you decide which one is better for you.

Health and Safety
When it comes to using these machines it is very important to examine the safety of each. Treadmills are famous on the internet for user failures. People slipping, trying to go to fast, or even people trying to go backwards. Of course if you’re careful there’s no need to worry about it, but if there is going to be children or other people using it, it’s definitely something you need to think about.

As far as health goes, overall with a treadmill you are going to get a better work out. It just works out your whole body at the same time. However that does not necessarily mean it will be beneficial to your health. Running on a treadmill is very hard on your knees. All the running really pounds on the joints. This isn’t so much a problem for the younger generations, but as you grow older your joints weaken. The elliptical provides a much smoother stride, greatly relieving that immense pressure.

What Else?
There are a few other things to consider. One of them is the noise level. Overall, the ellipticals will be quieter which a lot of people like. However, the ellipticals take up much more space generally. Treadmills also fold up to save even more space. Be careful with this feature because if the treadmill doesn’t have hydraulics, the belt can fall fast when released and can pose a danger to children or pets.

To Finish Up
Most people prefer the traditional feel of running. Although recently a great transition has been shifting towards ellipticals instead. So which one’s right for you? Only you can decide but I hope this helped expand your view.