Getting the Millionaire Mindset

One thing people often fail to realize is the work that successful people put in. They only seem to recognize the one business or idea that has helped them get where they are today.

Not only was creating that business or sculpting that idea a tremendous amount of work, but almost always there has been hours and hours put into training their minds to recognize the opportunities. It takes no training or money to get started, just an open mind paying attention to the world around.

I take time every day to try and recognize new potential streams of income. They’re so many possibilities out there such as:

  • Websites
  • Restaurants
  • Rental Properties
  • Homemade Products
  • Baked goods
  • Services
  • Pet Care

I could go on and on about all the different ways but that is not the point of this post. The reason for this post is to encourage you to look for those avenues yourself! At first, you will have to try to come up with the ideas yourself, but soon you will be seeing opportunities all around you! I would encourage you to each day, try to recognize at least 3 different ways for additional income. You don’t necessarily need to act upon these, but once you realize how easy some of them are, it might be hard to resist!

If you have any other ideas you would like to share, please do not hesitate to let me know in the comments!

Also, if you are looking for a good read, my personal favorite is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Everytime I read it, it helps re-open my eyes and inspire me to control my own financial freedom!


Creating Life Balance

Recently wed and with a little one on the way, I have been working really hard to find the right balance between my work life and my personal life. This definitely gets to be more difficult as I want to be sure that I can provide for the both of them while my wife isn’t working. I want to be able to work from home so that I can be able to support them financially as well as be there for them when they need me.

There are so many different ways to achieve this nowadays that it amazes more people don’t strive to control their own financial freedom. At the moment, I am attempting to encourage my wife to do the same by blogging from home. She is an excellent writer and I just wish she had more confidence to do so on a daily basis.

I have much more trouble deciding what to write about and thus, it has been awhile since the last time you have heard from me. Now this doesn’t mean that I haven’t been working on being my own boss in my own time. I have been building some iOS applications and hope to soon be selling them. If you would like to learn more about this, we are actually currently running a GoFundMe campaign to help us come up with some capital to be able to begin distribution.

Anyway, I thought I might share with you a couple items that help me stay more efficient and maximize the time I have!

The first item is this simple bluetooth headphone. It allows me to answer calls, listen to music, and my personal favorite, listen to my audiobooks!  Audiobooks are huge for me because I don’t have time to sit and read so I can listen while I walk, work and drive! This headphone is inexpensive, easy to use, and works well! I have a few of them so that I always have one handy!

Bluetooth Headset, Yikeshu Mini S530 Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Earbuds Headset Earphones Support Hands-free Calling Especially for iPhone 7/7 plus and Others (Black)

The second item is a portable charger. I’m sure most everyone is already aware of these but the thing about this one is that its also solar powered! With many color options you can choose whichever you like. It has dual ports so that you can even charger multiple items at the same time, including tablets! I know some of you out there are saying “what if the sun isn’t out???” well guess what? You can still charge it via outlet! Not to mention it also comes with a 12 month warranty, who couldn’t use this??

Solar Charger with 6LED Flashlight 15000mAh Solar Power Bank Dual USB External Battery Charger Cell Phone Battery Pack Outdoor Backup Charger for Bluetooth iPhone HTC Nexus Camera Tablet-Orange

I feel like we may have gotten a little off topic, but these item’s definitely help me keep that balance in tact! If you have any thoughts or any other recommendations on item’s that make your life easier, let me know in the comments!

Real Estate Investing Simplified

Turning homes into cash

Turning homes into cash

Real Estate is one of the simplest ways to start earning passive income if you already have some saved money saved up. It can be done without money as well, however it will require more creativity and or sacrifice. For example, simply renting out a room in your house can be a great way to start earning some extra money every month. It will require the Sacrifice of some of your personal space but almost nothing more than that. Of course if you do not already own your own home this won’t necessarily be as easy for you.

Anyway, I just want to show you some examples of how simple this concept can be broken down for investing in having rental properties. Assume we’re interested in a $300,000.00 three bed, two bathroom property where similar rentals rent for $2,500.00 monthly. At 4% interest, your monthly mortgage payment would be just over $1,400.00 a month. Now most people can see that’s $1,100 in excess of the mortgage every month!

If there were no expense (which of course there are some) that would be just over $13,000.00 every year doing almost nothing at all! Also, that other $1,400.00 going towards the mortgage doesn’t just disappear either. Much of that is going into building equity in the home. So basically, it’s almost like a forced savings that you receive when you sell.

The rest of the $1,400.00 is being put towards the interest owed. Luckily for you, the interest on your first 2 homes is tax deductible! There are some other expenses as well included with owning real estate, however these too are all tax deductible!

Social Media to Grow Your Business

Social media is no longer just a way for people to connect with friends and family. This phenomenon has grown to massive proportions and there are thousands of people who are using it for business purposes. Now you can hear success stories of many business owners who have been able to get all of their clients from networking on the most popular social media platforms available. The best thing about it is that these huge platforms are all free to the public and your success will be determined by how relevant your content is. Being constant and providing quality information is a must.


Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have completely changed advertising for small business. Due to the fact that it’s free, small business can now reach many more customers! They can also now keep current clients up to date on things going on within the store. This can include, remodeling, sales, or just events they are going to be hosting. Social media has provided businesses with a great tool to help build their company

Rich Dad Poor Dad

A couple years ago I read a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad. It got me hooked and I’ve read it a few times every year since. Most books you read about investing and money management are actually quite boring. I even enjoy the topics themselves but the book are just plain dull. This book is not!

Written by Robert Kiyosaki, he tells stories of his life growing up and his introduction to and experience in the investors world. The way he tells these stories is captivating he adds incite to the experiences through the entire thing to help you understand. While reading this book I found myself thoroughly entertained and could tell I was learning things i would use the rest of my life.

Whether just starting in the real world or already having money problems I highly recommend this book. It will change the way you view and spend money. This is by far my favorite book and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

The thing abut this company is, they don’t only do books. They offer so much more to help people gain a better understanding of how money works and to use it to there advantage. They also have videos, do seminars, and even released a game to demonstrate cashflow! If you haven’t heard about Rich Dad Poor Dad I strongly suggest you check it out!